DECLASSIFIED AUSTRALIA Newsletter - September 2024
From Palestine to Pine Gap, Paris to Papeete, we continue to publish groundbreaking investigative journalism on Australia's strategic outlook.
Welcome to the latest monthly Declassified Australia newsletter!
We’re excited to share our latest work with you. We continue to thrive and grow.
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Read Declassified Australia to keep informed and active in these challenging times.
Recently Declassified Australia brought you these exclusive stories:
Evidence Withheld in Israeli Killings of Aid Workers
A major story, in partnership with Declassified UK, is an important investigation into how the Israeli killing of Australian, UK and other aid workers in Gaza has not led to full transparency, with evidence that Israel is still withholding key information.
Pine Gap Readies for Nuclear War
Our co-founder and co-editor, Peter Cronau, has long researched the secretive US intelligence base, Pine Gap, in the centre of Australia. His latest story reveals how the facility is expanding rapidly, all in preparation for a potential conflict between the US and China that could even turn nuclear.
And in a rare win for free speech…
The recent release of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, was undeniably positive news, the result of years of lobbying, public pressure and investigative journalism.
And yet we believe it’s important to understand how the case came to an end and its impact on reporting secrets. We published two independent articles that delved into these issues.
Our co-founder and co-editor Antony Loewenstein spoke to ABC News Australia in June on the Wikileaks story. He explained what was at stake here:
But there’s so much more to be done to preserve press freedom…
Free Speech In Australia Is On The Line
A complaint about a tweet by prominent Australian journalist Mary Kostakidis is becoming a crucial test for Australia’s free speech, free press and democratic rights. Read about the Israel lobby’s efforts to silence a voice calling out genocide in Gaza.
No Peace in the Pacific
Experienced reporter Mick Hall explains the challenges that lie ahead for a peaceful Pacific, given that leaders of Pacific Island nations face an accelerating Western push to get them onside against China. Declassified government documents reveal the true agenda.
Australia’s Collaboration With Israel’s Genocide
In another in her series of exposés of Australia’s ongoing support for the Israel war on Gaza, Kellie Tranter accesses documents via Freedom of Information applications to show the extent of Australia’s knowledge of the spreading genocide and that it has been warned that it breached international law.
Australia Pushes Ahead in the AI Arms Race
The AI arms race is surging ahead with barely a public debate. We believe it’s important to understand what’s at stake in a time where automated warfare is potentially just around the corner.
In that spirit, we published a revealing story by Matilda Byrne, an academic who also does work for the Australia Stop Killer Robots campaign.
Friends or Allies
In a terrific new book by journalist Andrew Fowler, we discover that the United States sank Australia’s French submarines deal and formed the AUKUS military pact in order to smash a new Indo-Pacific strategic alliance of France, Australia and India that wanted friendship with China.
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That’s it for now. Stay informed, keep active, and plan the changes we need.
You can read many more stories such as these, giving you the truth behind the headlines, in Declassified Australia.
Thanks for reading,
Antony Loewenstein and Peter Cronau
Co-founders and co-editors of Declassified Australia.